Top 5 Winter driving tips!


After a frosty start to the week, now is the ideal time to start preparing for winter conditions.

After a frosty start to the week, now is the ideal time to start preparing for winter conditions. Despite extreme weather being rare in the UK, it should never be underestimated. Ensuring you and your vehicle are winter ready can help you face the challenges posed, keeping you safe and on the road.

Our top tips:

  1. Top up the anti-freeze in your cooling system
    Correct levels of anti-freeze will help improve the reliability of your car throughout the winter period as well as help prevent damage from the cold weather.

  2. Give yourself sufficient time to defrost your car
    Not defrosting your car can be hazardous to you and other drivers.

  3. Clean your windscreen and windows regularly
    Visibility through your windscreen and windows can quickly deteriorate from a build-up of road salt and dirt. Keeping your screen wash levels topped up is essential, and can save you money – an empty washer bottle could result in a fine up to £1,000!

  4. Plan your journey
    Try to avoid travelling in extreme weather conditions. If you must travel always allow extra time for your journey and be sure to check local council websites for gritting updates. The main routes tend to be tackled first, so plan to stick to A-roads if possible. The Highways Agency website also provides an insight into road conditions throughout the UK. 

  5. Drive to suit the conditions
    When driving on ice and snow remember to reduce your speed, keep your distance and avoid sudden braking or acceleration.